Collaboration agreement between Progestión and Kif Kif – Migrants and Refugees LGBTi association in favor of the migrant population, asylum and LGTBi refugees

The Association Progestión and Kifkif,  Migrants and Refugees Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersex Association  of  Madrid, have reached a collaboration agreement for the joint and collaborative management of social initiatives in favor of the migrant population, asylum and LGTBI refugee, a collaboration that, among other things, will focus on joint participation in social intervention projects, in the exchange of experiences and good practices and in the referral of users to specific services of each of the entities. 
On the frame of our work within our Erasmus Plus project Migrants and Refugees as Rebuilders, this agreement reached means an enhacement of our community based work, reached a double discriminated group that works actively in order to rebuild.

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