Cookies policy

We want to provide you with the best online experience with our website and in the context of current regulations on data protection. Therefore, below you will find detailed information about the use of cookies and the services we use on this website. Of course, you can do so by clicking on the link "Cookie settings" that you will find at the bottom of the page. Therefore, we use different cookies and services to guarantee the functionality of our website and make it easy, intuitive and offer you the best information.

In compliance with the duty of information contained in section 2 of article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, as well as the Data Protection regulations (RGPD 2016/679 and Organic Law 03/2018) the purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on the website

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that websites send to the browser and download to your computer. Cookies allow the website to store and retrieve information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to improve the services offered and contribute to a better browsing experience for the user.

Types of cookies

Depending on who manages the domain from where the cookies are sent and the data is processed, a distinction will be made between own cookies and third-party cookies.

Cookies can also be classified according to the period of time that they remain stored in the user's browser, distinguishing between session cookies or persistent cookies.

Finally, depending on the purpose for which the information collected is processed, cookies can be classified into the following categories:

  • Technical cookies: they allow the user to browse a website and use some of the services offered by it (such as those that serve to remember the elements of a shopping cart).
  • Personalization cookies: they allow the user to access the website with certain characteristics, such as the language.
  • Security cookies: they serve to prevent or hinder attacks against the website.
  • Complement cookies to exchange social content: so-called plug-ins, which allow content to be shared on social networks.
  • Analysis cookies: allow the person responsible to monitor user behavior.
  • Advertising cookies: they allow you to manage the advertising spaces on the website.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: like the previous ones, they are used to manage the advertising spaces of the website based on the information collected about the behavior of the user and their habits, adapting the advertising to the user's profile.
  • Geolocation cookies: used to find out the country where the user is.

Authorization for the use of cookies

In accordance with the cookie notice that appears on the website, as a user you can expressly consent to the use of cookies that require consent; however, the use of technical or necessary cookies does not require consent. Notwithstanding all of this, as a user you can modify the configuration of your browser to reject the use of cookies.

How to modify the cookie settings

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from or any other website using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, you can find how to do it in the help menu of your browser where the procedure for its elimination is established. For more information:

It is possible that by disabling cookies the website may not function correctly or you may not be able to access certain functions of it.

Cookies used on the web

Different types of cookies are used on the web portal for different purposes, the cookies used are listed below:

Strictly necessary cookies

Cookies Name



PHPSESSID This cookie contains a session identifier, which is a mechanism to distinguish the visits of different users when they are visiting the website at the same time. It is essential for the interactive use of the page. For more information, see the man page for PHP sessions.

When the explorer is closed.

_dx_cookie_control This cookie is used to detect whether the user's browser accepts cookies or not.

Cookies analíticas

Cookies Name Purpose Expiration

It collects data, such as the number of times a user has been to the website, when was their first visit and when was their last visit. Used by Google Analytics.

2 years


It takes date and time at the exact moment the user enters the web, thus calculating the time the visitor has been on the site. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the time that a visit to the website lasts.

30 minutes

__utmc It takes date and time at the exact moment the user enters the web, thus calculating the time the visitor has been on the site. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the time that a visit to the website lasts.

When the explorer is closed.

__utmz It collects data on where the visitor comes from, the words they used in the search engine, where they clicked and from where in the world they accessed. Used by Google Analytics.

6 months



  • Customize the content of the web based on your access history
  • Show personalized recommendations based on your browsing on other web pages


  • Browse the web and use its features
  • Access My Account and retrieve your user data
  • Retrieve non-nominal information about how users navigate on
  • Customize the content of the web and application based on your navigation
  • Auditores - Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España

    Cuentas Auditadas

  • Applus

    Certificado ISO

  • Empresa responsable con el VIH y el sida en España