Professional team


Image of Gabriela Beni from Progestión

Gabriela Beni

Cultural Mediator, Director of Centers. Progestión Technical General Coordinator

Image of Mari Trini Castellanos from Progestión

Mari Trini Castellanos

Political Scientist and EU Resources Manager. Project

Image of Marian Alonso from Progestión

Marian Alonso

Equality Officer. Administrative

Image of Santiago Algora from Progestión

Santiago Algora

Historian. Communication Expert and Cultural Heritage Manager. Progestion’s Coordinator


Image of Laura Rosales from Progestión

Laura Rosales

Psychologist. Coaching in Emotional Intelligence and Neurolinguistic Programming and expert in Systemic Therapy. Psychosocial Care Service

Image of Clara García from Progestión

Clara García

Psychologist. Specialist in Psychosocial and Community Intervention and Crisis Intervention. Psychosocial Care Service

Image of Fátima García from Progestión

Fátima García

Psychologist. Postgraduate in Intervention to People in situation or risk of social exclusion. Psychosocial Care Service for Migrant Women in Valladolid


Image of Juan Carlos Maestro from Progestión

Juan Carlos Maestro

Educator and Sociocultural Animator. Employment Service Coordinator

Image of Sara Martín from Progestión

Sara Martín

Psychologist. Specialist in Social Work Insertion in groups at risk or situation of exclusion. Employment Technician

Image of Paloma Sánchez from Progestión

Paloma Sánchez

Sociologist. Specialist in Social Psychology. Employment Technician

Image of Elena Serna from Progestión

Elena Serna

Employment Consultant of Employment Disadvantaged Groups. Employment Technician

Image of Roberto Martínez from Progestión

Roberto Martínez

Social Worker and Master in Employability Assessment. Employment Technician in Valladolid


Image of Virginia Pastrana from Progestión

Virginia Pastrana

Lawyer specialized in Immigration, Criminal and Penitentiary. Legal Services Coordinator

Image of Isabel Teruel from Progestión

Isabel Teruel

Lawyer. Specialist in Foreign Affairs and Master in International Solidarity Action of Europe. Responsible of Contents of the Progestion’s Immigration Blog

Image of Francesca Ricciardi from Progestión

Francesca Ricciardi

Lawyer Specialist in Asylum and Migrants. Master on International Human Rights Law. Collaborator on Immigration Blog of Progestion

Image of Juan Carlos Baratas from Progestión

Juan Carlos Baratas

Specialist in Criminal Procedural Practice and in Children's Law. Foreign Lawyer

Image of Gloria González from Progestión

Gloria González

Lawyer and Social Worker, Specialist in Prevention of Gender Violence and Integral Care for Victims. Single Door Attention

Supervised flats and Social Accompaniment

Image of Gloria Moreno from Progestión

Gloria Moreno

Educator and Social Integrator, Supervised Flats and Social Accompaniments. Employment Technician

Image of Elvira Rodríguez of Asociación Progestión

Elvira Rodríguez

Social worker. University expert in Drug Addiction and Gender Violence

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  • Empresa responsable con el VIH y el sida en España